Friday, 10 July 2015

Advanced Pull ups part 8

Final part

So far we have discussed mainly about most of the advanced forms of pull up workouts which are in fact a little hard to go through, sometimes it even leaves you exhausted and with some minor or major injuries if not done right and this will in turn jeopardize most of the work you have performed all over and that would be much painful, So I suggest you all to go through with a regular set of warm up and stretching workouts which will definitely help you a lot more to perform all the workouts favorably and with this it will help you to improve on your strength and body definition.

The reason I am sharing a lot of pull up workout posts is because they are the most efficient workout which is good for both the amateur and experts as it improves your core strength and which  is much required for any physical activity and sports you might perform. I specially help a lot of parkour interested people by providing them grip and strength improving classes and workouts. The big secret is that all of your workouts never go to waste, It is improving you slowly but you never get to know. The more proper technique and more workouts you do, you never get to know. The me proper technique and more workouts you do you are equally influenced by most of the workouts. This is the last part of pull ups and here I will finish up with this amazing workout, Cheers!

Advanced pull up #1

Clapping pull ups 

For amazing explosive power development clapping pull ups are the best, You can either go for a single clap variation or double/triple it all depends on your potential and stamina. The more of the claps you do the more you are building that great strength within.This is mostly practiced in martial arts to build incredible inner strength.

Step 1- Get into the standard pull up position and hold on to the pull up bars as usual.
Step 2- When you have pulled yourself up and almost above the pull up bar stop for a while and hold on.
Step 3- Now in a quick motion push and let your hands be suspended in the air and quickly clap ,maybe 1 or 2, Its up to your comfort.

Step 4- Land both your hands safely back in position and then return back to your starting stage and this time perform ti better.

Advanced pull up #2

Pull ups (kipping)

This is the final technique i am sharing for now which is kipping, it might be liked or disliked but still many do follow this technique so i thought i'd keep it at the last.Like any other workouts it has its own purpose and its own way in bringing up strength Kipping specially helps in increasing grip and arm strength and even allows one to perform more reps which is the good part and also helps in the conditioning part .

Step 1- Just like you always performed pull up get into that position and now bend your legs inwards forming a C-shape and then push your chest front so that it gets in the proper and easier position for kipping and then perform a push up.

Step 2- Repeat. 

We are done with pull ups, now you must customize your workout routine according to your convenience and make sure you do them periodically and also try to do it more efficiently and effectively . 
Good luck.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Advanced pull up workout part 7

Part 7

It takes basically simple workouts and diets which are usually basic and has a whole new impact which just gets you fit but not ripped, For a ripped body you definitely need to perform all these advanced workouts which i share and a whole powerful diet which can be further used to help you in building a ripped body, so far we have seen a set of advanced workouts  Don't leave it just there, practice yoga and meditation there a re so many different types of yoga which helps your body and mind to stay fit and also to maintain a healthy fit body. Make it a habit to start your day with yoga and then start with your regular workout routine as this provides you with better mind and also acts as a good motivation to start a beautiful day. It regenerates power and helps you kill the pain, So i personally prefer you all to do yoga regularly to keep your mind and body in control.

You might have been wondering why i'm going off topic, its because yoga is very important and helps you in several ways and it even fights against a dull mind and generates positive energy fro you tot perform those workouts better and more. i will talk about different types and yoga in my future posts which will absolutely help you,till then have a basic routine of yoga and follow it regularly.We saw 6 uniquely defined types of pull ups in our previous posts on advanced types of pull ups, Yes its more and yes its tiring at the starting but you absolutely need to make time for all these if you want to be successful in your personal life and body maintenance, I will end it with one last post on advanced pull ups and then we can concentrate on other types of special workouts. 

Advanced pull ups 1

Reach over pull ups

Reach over pull ups can help you in many aspects, unlike other pull ups i spoke about it can bring a lot more changes in a short period of time, they are great for developing strength, flexibility and power and also improves your single limb performance skills.It is an amazing workout for climbers and specially the ones who perform parkour providing you with much better grip and precision.

Step 1- Get in a standard pull up position.

Step 2- Now when you perform a pull up it must be a general pull up where you use both your hands whilst pulling up but when you are dropping you need to suspend any one of your hand in the air freely, still holding the pull up bar with a single hand just like a one arm pull motion.

Step 3- Bring your arm which is suspended in the air freely near your ears and reach over by pushing that arm over the pull up bar making sure you are still aligned in a pull up position and don't forget to keep the other arm straight which is firmly gripping the bar for support.

Step 4- Get back to the initial position slowly and gradually without moving your body that is by mainlining that straight angle which will help you to perform the workout better.

Step 5- Switch and repeat.

Be the best..