Monday, 25 May 2015

Advanced dips

I shared some of the forms of advanced well organized dips in my previous post and this post is a continuation of the previous post which will include four main types of these advanced workouts. As far as i predict it must be a little hard for you all to perform all these advanced forms of exercises in the initial stages but i'm pretty sure that everyone has improved their performance and body fitness over these workout tips which I bring in my blog. 
I will share four types of other unique types of advanced dips. You can pick the set of dips which is more comfortable for you from this and even the previous blog. Pick 2-4 of your choice of dips workout and add it to your regular workout basis for getting better results overtime For this you basically need to perform along with a set of regular warm ups and workout which i previously shared. Do not try to over exceed your limit and strain yourself this might cause some terrible pain which would last for days leaving you unfit at the end. So know when to do and what to do according to your comfort.


Advanced dips workout 1

Assisted dips workout

This particular dips workout either needs a partner or another raised platform or bars on the other end to grab your feet or hold whilst performing the workout which will leave you with better performance and results.

Step 1- As usual hold on to the dips bar.
Step 2- Instead of suspending your legs in the air you need a support from either a partner/ a raised platform up-to the height of the bars or another pair of bars right opposite to you which would help to hold on your legs comfortably in an erect position, a partner is more advisable and much better than any other options.
Step 3- Perform the dips workout as much slow as possible and maintain the rhythm and do not forget the stress a little while performing the same.
Step 4- Repeat. 

Advanced dips workout 2

Ring dips 

I prefer you to buy a pair of workout rings which is very important at any stage of your advanced dips workouts cause not only they bring great strength but also amazing flexibility which will definitely keep you much unique than others. Its not only pull ups which are performed on rings but also dips but performing dips workouts on rings might be a little challenging in the initial stages but you can practice and make it much simpler and use much of it.

Step 1- Stand straight with your feet casually, don't let your body to be on tension. 
Step 2- Hold on to the rings just like you are holding for a pull up.
Step 3- Now apply some pressure and pull yourself up and reach all the way beyond the rings and suspend your hands freely holding yhe rings without bending your elbows.and now perform a dips slowly keeping your back straight and your elbows slowly bending outwards.
Step 4- Repeat. 

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Advanced dips

Previously we saw a clear picture about the different forms of advanced push ups which of-course needs a lot of practice in the beginning, but with some practice it can be made perfect and sweet.. There are numerous types of dips and in this post I will share the advanced forms of dips which can be practiced in your regular workout routine to gain mastery over the advanced form of workout.
In my previous post I have shared the basic forms of dips, If you have mastered them, the advanced ones can be made much simpler and faster to perform/ learn.

Advanced dips workout 1

Jumping dips

This  dip form has much pressure on your hands and has better impact on triceps.

Step 1- Grasp the dip bars or any workout platform for the dips and stand by your feet on the floor.
Step 2- Jump up as much as you can and maintain the form without slipping out.
Step 3-  Perform it with reps and make sure you go slow when you push the dips up to jump and land similarly.
Step 4- Repeat.

Advanced dips workout 2

Leg raised dips

It si like a usual dip form but raise your legs high up in the air and suppress them without lowering it whilst performing and do not slip out of the original form/position.

Step 1- Get into the dips position and get set for the workout on the dip bars.
Step 2- Holding onto the bars slowly raise your legs and suppress them in the air.
Step 3- Perform the regular dips workout without lowering your legs.
Step 4- Don't forget the balance and do it right and REPEAT.

Advanced dips workout 3

Single arm alternative dips

Any workout which involves single hand is mostly complicated and hard to perform but it can be made much simpler if you perform it in the right manner. Make sure your movement from one hand to another is a gradual process and do not over-strain too much.

Step 1- Once in the dips position suspend one hand freely keeping your legs together.
Step 2- Stress one of your hand in the dips movement and slowly perform the workout.
Step 3- Move from one hand to another gradually and speed up as you get comfortable.
Step 4- Repeat.

Advanced dips workout 4

Single arm (in air) dips 

This workout is basically like the previous workout but instead of holding onto the bars one of the hand is freely suspended in the air and the whole workout is performed by the other hand holding the bar and balancing the rest of the body including the legs.

Step 1- Before performing this workout, make sure you can balance a regular dips by slowly practicing with one hand and once you are confident enough , get into the dips position.
Step 2- Whilst holding one of your hand onto the bar let the other hand be suspended freely in the air (Point it front for better results).
Step 3- Perform a dip by using just one hand.
Step 4- REPEAT.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Advanced push ups part 2

You would be wondering how much of these push ups to do and which of those to do, It is simple you just need to make your own push up routine using the push up workouts you learn in this blog but make it precise and let it be in a order. Keep the ones you feel which are easier in the starting and raise according to the hardness you feel out of the type of push up.I am sharing and displaying different types of push ups both in my previous post and even in this one so as to give you better options so that you can pick the push up type which is more relevant and liked by you and to add it on to the advanced workout routine which you have been planning.

It is much advisable for you to perform them safely and to master them slowly without stressing too much while performing. Make sure you keep your lower back straight and don't bend it as this is not efficient and doing any exercises in a wrong way is in fact causes minor injuries or even major for most of the advanced workouts i share. Under any circumstance do not break your diet routine or do not start off the advanced workouts without the practice of stretching and those basic workouts i shared earlier.

Push up advanced workouts 2

1- One arm push up

One arm push up and one arm body weight exercises are very essential to build the right muscles in your body. It immensely increases the strength in that particular part of the body which is influenced. It might take a lot of time to perform the one arm push up effectively all you have to get is practice and dedication.

1- Get into the regular push up position keeping your chest stiff and your legs kissing the ground.
2- While you are keeping both the arms to the ground and stressing, slowly move one of your arms to the side and slowly take it off the ground and place it right behind your hips and learn to balance with one hand.
3- Now that you have practiced and learnt to balance a little with only the help of your one arm do a push up in a regular way but make sure you do it very slowly in the starting as you should not bang your face to the ground as you trip.
4- Repeat several times maybe 5 at the beginning and increase gradually.

2- One leg raised push up

This workout is all about balance and precision all you got to do is

1- Get into a standard push up position.
2- Raise one of your leg and suspend it in the air about 3-4 inches upwards from the ground.
3- Pressing with your hands towards the ground, balancing your leg- do a regular push up and come back slowly as you feel the muscles getting the tension.
4- Repeat.

3- One leg one arm push up

This workout is a little harder in the initial stages but it gets easier as you practice, all you need to do is concentrate and practice the previous workout and perfect it and then try this workout.

1- Get into the standard push up position as usual.
2- Raise one of your leg and suspend in the air for about 3-4 inches upwards from the ground.
3- Now do a push up using just one hand with your other hand closing off from behind plus still raising one of your leg from the ground.
4- Do it as much slow as possible and do not forget to go through a set of stretching exercises before you do the workout,
5- Repeat.

4- Archer push ups

Most of the push ups have a great impact on your biceps but this particular workout stretches,flexes and builds muscles all around your arms including biceps and triceps, All you need to do is practice well and do not do it in a wrong way it might leave you a sprain or muscle tears if ignored.

1- As usual get in the regular push up position and set your hands a little wider than the standard position of your hands keeping your legs in the same standard push up position.
2- While performing the push up, when you go down make sure your head reaches for one of your hands other than reaching for the ground right in the middle.
3- As you do so stretch your arms as much as possible and give a little tension whilst coming back to the position.
4- Switch to the other side and repeat.