Saturday 8 August 2015

Advanced workouts for Chest

Extreme Chest Workouts


I have shared a lot forms of calisthenics advanced workout in the previous posts and in this post i will share this unique forms of workouts which basically has a lot of conversions from calisthenics and sport workouts.I generally take u[p body weight exercises and workouts as they have an incredible impact on your body and also helps with strengthening up muscles and improving flexibility and endurance which is most needed to have a perfect body and strength and also most likely required for fashion models and sports people who have always been working
on improving their muscle strength and endurance.Before we start up i want to make sure that you gave gone through the set of workouts i already shared including the warm ups, stretching and advanced forms of workouts which by now i hope it has helped you all to gain more strength and body of it. From this post i will share the most unrelieved secrets about building chest muscles and also strengthening them.and ofcource all the workouts will be based on body-weight workouts to gain muscle mass and strength,.

Chest is a highly noticeable portion of the body for both men and women, Even slight changes in the chest make a big difference so it is better you start on with the regular diet routine which i shared earlier along with previous posts on advanced types of push ups and pulls which i hope helped you all. In this section i will discuss the key factors which are responsible for strengthening chest muscles and toning them along with a few recommended diet routine which you can follow for better results. But don't forget that warms ups and stretches are a very important things to do before you start up with any ki
nd of workout and don't ever test your limits as they would leave you with minor or major injuries which will jeopardize the whole efforts of you making your perfect workouts or reps.

Advanced chest workouts

Declined diamond push ups 

I know the name is a little too big and complicated but unfortunately for beginners it is even more complicated but you can easily get through with this workout by simply starting and practicing over with the regular diamond push ups which will yield you the strength and confidence to perform these  challenging workouts .

Step 1- Get into diamond push up position, and then suspend your legs on a chair or a high leveled surface and make sure your legs are freely suspended without any discomfort.

Step 2- Get your hands and legs as close as possible in this workout as it helps you to tone your chest muscles better.

Step 3- Perform a diamond push up suppressing all your body weight on your chest and don't let your legs loose and move about instead make sure your whole body is in a correct position and when you are getting down for every push up make sure your back is straight.

Step 4- Test yourself and practice on different heights and terrains until you master it .

Burpee and push ups 

This is my favorite workout as i love to do it , specially whenever i'm at my mixed martial arts training, it gives you immense strength and toning of muscles and it is fun to do. This workout works most of your limbs and will strengthen them gradually, All you have to do is just practice it  and make it a habit to at least perform a few reps a day. This advanced workout will help you with sports and any type of martial arts.If you have already known about this workout ,it is not the same i'm going to teach you but a different variation where you start your 

First step- Free fall and land in a standard push up position and be careful when you land, keep your chin up and make sure you don't bang your head to the floor. (practice the free fall several times before you start)

Step 2- Perform a super quick push up and soon get up by pushing your legs to your abdominal level and to the ground, Stand straight.

Step 3- Now perform a deadly squats where you perform a squat and quickly come up for a jump.

Step 4- Jump as high as you can or even clap your hands in the air for better results.

Friday 10 July 2015

Advanced Pull ups part 8

Final part

So far we have discussed mainly about most of the advanced forms of pull up workouts which are in fact a little hard to go through, sometimes it even leaves you exhausted and with some minor or major injuries if not done right and this will in turn jeopardize most of the work you have performed all over and that would be much painful, So I suggest you all to go through with a regular set of warm up and stretching workouts which will definitely help you a lot more to perform all the workouts favorably and with this it will help you to improve on your strength and body definition.

The reason I am sharing a lot of pull up workout posts is because they are the most efficient workout which is good for both the amateur and experts as it improves your core strength and which  is much required for any physical activity and sports you might perform. I specially help a lot of parkour interested people by providing them grip and strength improving classes and workouts. The big secret is that all of your workouts never go to waste, It is improving you slowly but you never get to know. The more proper technique and more workouts you do, you never get to know. The me proper technique and more workouts you do you are equally influenced by most of the workouts. This is the last part of pull ups and here I will finish up with this amazing workout, Cheers!

Advanced pull up #1

Clapping pull ups 

For amazing explosive power development clapping pull ups are the best, You can either go for a single clap variation or double/triple it all depends on your potential and stamina. The more of the claps you do the more you are building that great strength within.This is mostly practiced in martial arts to build incredible inner strength.

Step 1- Get into the standard pull up position and hold on to the pull up bars as usual.
Step 2- When you have pulled yourself up and almost above the pull up bar stop for a while and hold on.
Step 3- Now in a quick motion push and let your hands be suspended in the air and quickly clap ,maybe 1 or 2, Its up to your comfort.

Step 4- Land both your hands safely back in position and then return back to your starting stage and this time perform ti better.

Advanced pull up #2

Pull ups (kipping)

This is the final technique i am sharing for now which is kipping, it might be liked or disliked but still many do follow this technique so i thought i'd keep it at the last.Like any other workouts it has its own purpose and its own way in bringing up strength Kipping specially helps in increasing grip and arm strength and even allows one to perform more reps which is the good part and also helps in the conditioning part .

Step 1- Just like you always performed pull up get into that position and now bend your legs inwards forming a C-shape and then push your chest front so that it gets in the proper and easier position for kipping and then perform a push up.

Step 2- Repeat. 

We are done with pull ups, now you must customize your workout routine according to your convenience and make sure you do them periodically and also try to do it more efficiently and effectively . 
Good luck.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Advanced pull up workout part 7

Part 7

It takes basically simple workouts and diets which are usually basic and has a whole new impact which just gets you fit but not ripped, For a ripped body you definitely need to perform all these advanced workouts which i share and a whole powerful diet which can be further used to help you in building a ripped body, so far we have seen a set of advanced workouts  Don't leave it just there, practice yoga and meditation there a re so many different types of yoga which helps your body and mind to stay fit and also to maintain a healthy fit body. Make it a habit to start your day with yoga and then start with your regular workout routine as this provides you with better mind and also acts as a good motivation to start a beautiful day. It regenerates power and helps you kill the pain, So i personally prefer you all to do yoga regularly to keep your mind and body in control.

You might have been wondering why i'm going off topic, its because yoga is very important and helps you in several ways and it even fights against a dull mind and generates positive energy fro you tot perform those workouts better and more. i will talk about different types and yoga in my future posts which will absolutely help you,till then have a basic routine of yoga and follow it regularly.We saw 6 uniquely defined types of pull ups in our previous posts on advanced types of pull ups, Yes its more and yes its tiring at the starting but you absolutely need to make time for all these if you want to be successful in your personal life and body maintenance, I will end it with one last post on advanced pull ups and then we can concentrate on other types of special workouts. 

Advanced pull ups 1

Reach over pull ups

Reach over pull ups can help you in many aspects, unlike other pull ups i spoke about it can bring a lot more changes in a short period of time, they are great for developing strength, flexibility and power and also improves your single limb performance skills.It is an amazing workout for climbers and specially the ones who perform parkour providing you with much better grip and precision.

Step 1- Get in a standard pull up position.

Step 2- Now when you perform a pull up it must be a general pull up where you use both your hands whilst pulling up but when you are dropping you need to suspend any one of your hand in the air freely, still holding the pull up bar with a single hand just like a one arm pull motion.

Step 3- Bring your arm which is suspended in the air freely near your ears and reach over by pushing that arm over the pull up bar making sure you are still aligned in a pull up position and don't forget to keep the other arm straight which is firmly gripping the bar for support.

Step 4- Get back to the initial position slowly and gradually without moving your body that is by mainlining that straight angle which will help you to perform the workout better.

Step 5- Switch and repeat.

Be the best..

Friday 19 June 2015

Advanced pull ups part 6


Previously i shared a unique type of variation for a workout which can be too hard but can be practiced to make it much simpler and efficient, I strongly recommend you to warm up well and to make sure you have practiced them well, this will not only help you in these pull up variations but also all of the workouts as a whole as you gain strength and experience over time, even the stamina goes to an amazing level.So never stop your routine at any cost and never skip a healthy meal , You can grab a few bottles of beer a month butt never skip a healthy meal you have always practiced in order to perform these challenging workouts for your better good.

As mentioned in most of my posts don't stop drinking green tea, YES! it helps you the most and try drinking it without sugar, as ti contains loads of anti-oxidants it helps your body to generate a lot amazing energy for the purpose of better workouts and helps in your digestion cycle. In one of my upcoming posts i will surely see to that i make a post for another set of diet you can practice to build a more successful ripped body

When it comes to pull ups and upper body workouts most of the time a lot of pain is caused if done wrong stressed more these pain can annihilate your body workout routine and a disturbance might be created because of this, So what i usually tell everyone as well as follow myself is to practice yoga and meditation every morning, YES it has an amazing impact on the body and the best and awesome way to treat all those injuries,cramps and sprains caused due to the high level advanced workouts.

Advanced pull up 1

The t pull up

The variation in this increases the difficulty and takes it to a higher level as it does not involve just the grip but also complete performance from many parts of your upper body and also impacts more on the core.This is a chin up and sit pull up variation.

Step 1- Get into a standard pull up position
Step 2- Pull yourself up and bring you knees up in a form of a sit-pull up position.

Step 3- Now like a chin up,place your chin right over the bar and get back to the initial position gradually 
without lowering your knees.

Step 4- Repeat and practice.

Advanced pull up 2

The one arm pull up

I always wanted to share this from a long time, as this is my personal favorite and as an awesome impact on your body strength and body texture. Perform it slowly by first getting into the pull up position and later taking over one of your hand pulling up with all your strength with one arm,, I will share One arm supported pull up in my next post, it'll help you to get better grip and builds confidence in performing the one arm pull up overtime but if you are able to perform this workout there's no need in performing that. That's the reason i'm sharing this first.

Step 1- Get into the general pull up position.

Step 2- At first when you reach up, reach up with both your hands and then slowly slip one of your arms and slowly bring it down whilst the other hand which is firmly held to the pull up bar is the main arm for that pull.

Step 3- Come down by using just one arm and again RISE.

Step 4- Repeat and be awesome. 

Be the best..

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Advanced pull ups part 5


We covered some of the most coolest types of workouts in our previous post now its going to get more fun and challenging as I'm going to show some variations in the previously shared advanced forms which can help you boost up your stamina and strength and can get you much better at building a perfect body. The significance of all these workouts is not just to build more body but also to make you unstoppable if you are learning and practicing it right along with a healthy life with healthy diet and recommendations i  preferred previously.

My friend asked me the other day whether it is really required for us to perform all of these workouts and he asked me why not make it simple. I replied that if you want to be someone who is like different from others and stays ahead like a legend, you have to do things which others don't do. That's the answer,that's the dream. You can be so much better than anyone in anyway but the major awesome thing is that it gets you better at being yourself and absolutely increases your potential and thus has an exquisite effect on your life style. 

You have to stay focused, and yes you have to perform these workouts more generously and patiently and see to that you get most from the workout. See to that every workout routine you perform every single day makes a change in your life style and your body, In fact a good change. I might share tons and tons of advanced forms of pull ups but it is in you that you should pick the most favored workouts and start working on it and move to the other, Remember hard work and time on good things can never be wasted and it makes tyou the best. Try to analyze these workouts carefully and give your best try.

Advanced pull ups 

Jumping pull ups 

As you already know pull ups give you better strength and better texture for your body so don't be afraid to perform these but make sure you are performing it in a safe environment and take guidance from your gym instructor or just a friend.

Step 1- Get into a regular pull up position.

Step 2- Free your legs by slowly moving your right leg in front holding your other left leg tight without bending.

Step 3- Now push yourself up in a pull u[ motion and now you need to push yourself up and a jump like motion must be created and you must completely be in air, None of your body must be in contact with either the ground or the pull up bar.

Step 4- Get back to initial position by simply holding on to the bar whilst falling back and switch. REPEAT.

Advanced pull ups ( Variation )

Rotating chin up variation 

As previously i mentioned this workout is a variation which involves performing a rotating pull up variety along with a chin up, it can be made easier if you have practiced the first workout i shared in my first post on advanced pull ups.

Step 1- As you always do,get into a chin up position.

Step 2- Pull yourself up while you hold the bars facing you and perform a chin up.

Step 3- Now hold onto this position where your chin is just above the pull up bar and now you have to rotate your whole body to the other side using your hands diagonally as mentioned in my previous post on rotating pull up.

Step 4- Return to your first step and make sure you do it right, REPEAT.

Be the Best period.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Advanced pull ups part 4

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing just well with your workouts and i'm pretty sure it would've brought you good results . I'll be sharing some more of the advanced types of workouts in this post Make sure you perform them safe and in an efficient way. There might be some hardship in the starting but you can gradually increase your stamina and body strength by just following these advanced workouts i share carefully, put in all your efforts to first lean them properly and then once learnt better start speeding up your workouts and this will make you much stronger and will also tone up your body giving you a well ripped body

Advanced pull up workout 

Rope pull ups

This is a whole new level of advanced pull ups which has amazing impact on your body making you stronger in no time. But you have to see to that

you perform this workout using someone's help and even some kind of support below so that you don't injure yourself by falling down by losing your balance or grip from the rope. There has been accidents and head injuries due to falsely performing this workout. No pain, no gain so yet it is one of the best workouts for a faster strengthening of your upper body .

Step 1- You need a tight thick rope which must be suspend from the ceiling or any other strong support.

Step 2- Carefully examine the condition of the rope by simply holing it firm and shaking it twice , you should make sure it is tight and hard enough for you to not just hang on but also perform a pull up workout which is extremely hard in the beginning.

Step 3- Climb on the rope for about 2-4 feet above your actual height and suspend your body freely by just holding the rope with your hands and not by legs.

Step 4- Perform a pull up by placing one arm around the other in a comfortable position and switch for every 15-20 counts.

Note- This workout is very beneficial but you should make sure you perform it safe ,this workout out is only for the ones who have practiced the other advanced forms of pull ups well. Never try this workout if you are a beginner. 

Advanced pull up workout 

Rotating pull ups

Crazy as it sounds this pull up workout is fun but requires a lot upper body strength to not only pull your body up but also rotate your body in 360 degrees after a single pull up pattern.

Step 1-  Get into a regular pull up position and hang on to the pull up bar as you are ready for the workout.

Step 2- Get more comfortable with the grip and know how and when to go for the rotation, the rotation must be slow and should be done in a proper angle.

Step 3- Pull yourself up just like any other pull up workout and once you are up near the pull up bar slowly rotate your whole body by first releasing your dominant hand and hold it to the other side next to your other hand and then release the other hand and rotate your body.

Step 4- Get back to your initial position and then repeat safely.

Be the best

Friday 12 June 2015

Advanced pull ups

Advanced pull ups part 3

As we saw in our previous posts the different cool types of pull up workouts which are extremely professional but can be well used to strengthen your muscles and give a rich look for the body to look more ripped and absolutely the best. I have done some exploring and collecting ideas and data about the different ways we can generally build better muscles over a short

period of time but we need to put a lot of efforts and learn them effectively to get the best results in a short time. NO PAIN NO GAIN, so if you are backing out because you are finding these workouts too tiring or hard for you, remind yourself that you can do it and itx just in your mind, Everyone can be strong and thus everyone deserves to be fit and health specially the ones who are working hard for self well-being.
The best way you can get the fittest is to maintain a healthy and powerful diet which must not contain any sort of junk which will absolutely jeopardize your whole hard work and efforts you put forth for building your body. Another thing is to maintain a scheduled routine where you perform one workout type for 1-2 days a week and not more not less, and to get yourself toned up faster you must concentrate on strengthing all parts of your body, Yes, all parts of your body ,you don't want a body which is not proportional. 

Lets slide to the pull up workout now, Pull ups are fun, challenging and are the best workouts ever prefered by anyone to build and strengthen muscles all around the world, but they are equally hard and tiring as it requires a lot of strength and efforts to perform. But don't give up ,accept the challenges and try performing these advanced workouts, if you are able to perform them well ,try increasing your counts and this well eventually get you better making a short way for becoming the best.

Advanced Pull ups 5

The commando pull up workout

Also known as the sliding pull ups involves a professional pull up workout where you significantly pull yourself up with your core muscles and slowly yet gradually slide your hands whilst holding onto the pull up bars . This workout is extremely hard but is an amazing workout for most of the fighters and sports people like myself. 

Step 1- Get into the pull ups position and suspend yourself by firmly holding onto the pull up bar.

Step 2- Make sure you maintain the straight and erect body posture whilst performing the pull up and don't forget to look forward.

Step 3- Pull yourself up and place your chest above the pull up bar and hold that position.

Step 4- Now, slowly move your hands inward by pushing your back and touch your hands by gently sliding them on the pole and then return your hands to the initial position and get back to your first step and repeat.

Note- IT might take time to learn sliding your hands perfectly so try performing the exercise as much slower as you can and increase the speed gradually as you practice.

Advanced pull ups 6

The raised commando pull up

As the name gives you a better idea about how it will be done, yes you have to raise your hands completely and make sure your hands are straight and not bent when resting on top of the pull up bar.

Step 1- Get into the commando pull up position which i previously mentioned.

Step 2- Reach above the pull up bar and hold on to the bar firmly from above the bar.

Step 3- Hold on to the bar without bending them even a bit and now slide your hands inward and outward and return back to your and perform again.

Step 4- Repeat, practice and repeat until you master this technique.


Wednesday 10 June 2015

Advanced Pull ups

Advanced pull ups part 2

I shared two of the types of advanced pull ups which you can start up with and as you practice those two types of pull ups you will have a better idea and experience to perform the upcoming workouts. You should make sure you are doing the workouts right, if you are not doing it right you might experience severe pain which would jeopardize the rest of your workout routine and make you weak instead. So practice right and eat right to maintain that ripped awesome body you always wanted and which you always want to maintain after you get the ripped body. Your motive is just not to get perfect body but also to strengthen it regularly to maintain that strong fitness of your body.For this you should absolutely follow a regular and disciplined healthy diet which i will share in my future blog. But for now all you have to do is eat healthy and drink a lot of water, Bad habits not only makes your body weak but also makes you look weak, So PLEASE STOP SMOKING and start working on improving yourself instead.

I advice you not to take any workout or body building supplements which might be attractive but still has a artificial and bad impact on your body, Just stick onto the regular healthy diet and workout routine and enjoy. While performing the pull ups make sure you do it as slow as possible in the beginning and gradually increase the speed of your workout with time and then by this you get better results. Know when to workout- that is fix a timing each a day and stick on to the same time do not do it irregularly, as irregularity might get you lazy leaving behind unfortunate results which will be high;y unfavorable . Do well.

Advanced pull up 3

Variety in and out pull ups

A very unique type of pull up which includes performing different actions with different hands at the same time where one hand performs a set of actions whilst performing the workout and the other performs another action, this brings great strength to your arm independently and even gives you core power and amazing balance. This workout is the main workout for most of the parkour units and martial artists who learn to manage and equalize both power and balance for their combat sports and other heavy physical activities which needs a lot of upper body strength.

Step 1- Get into the pull up position and hang on to the pull up bars and suspend your legs freely without shaking your body.

Step 2- Maintain a 90 degree body position before and when performing the workout which will help you to get better results .

Step 3- Whilst performing a pull up instead of doing a regular pull up twist your left arm in the opposite direction to the other and hold it this way and use the right arm to direct and move your whole body in different directions simultaneously without moving a bit of one you hand and use the left hand just to generate power for you to pull the bar.

Step 4- Switch to the other hand and even the techniques till you get the most of the workout ..

Advanced pull up 4

Finger tip pull ups

This type is used for finger strengthening and can be very useful for climbers and volleyball players and all other sports and physical activities which uses a lot of your finger strengths. 

Step 1- As usual get into the regular pull up position.

Step 2- Don't forget to maintain the proper distance and to create the perfect angle to perform the push ups.

Step 3- This is just like performing a basic pull up workout but you are just going to use your fingers, only fingers to pull yourself up whilst performing the pull up and get down similarly.

Step 4- Repeat and stop if you experience any sort of pain, this will absolutely increase the finger strength and durability.

Be the best..