Saturday, 7 March 2015

Basic Warm ups



All i teach in my blogs has to be given interest and time to patiently read all of the exercise so that it has rich following and by that will help you the most. For beginners- take it slow and efficient follow a diet routine which i'll be showing in my upcoming blogs. Know  your body and size and know whether to risk an exercise and fall into doing it blindly or not. cause some of the exercises may have effects on your body when done in a wrong way and you can be left with a cramp or a sprain So please do take care and work and practice on it. And for people who are already fit and want to take much higher exercises I can promise you that i'm your guy. I'll be a posting another post which is all about advanced training "GET SERIOUS" But before that do drop on to the basics so that you get a better start.

Here's a step by step guide i provide you all to make it more simpler and efficient for you all...

Moving on, Before any exercise and any sport event you're going to indulge, you must go through a set of these simple warm up routine which will completely help you to make sure that nothing goes wrong and everything stays intact . It'll definitely help you in starting up and will get you all set for your future challenges and workouts which you would always find interesting.


The first and best thing you can always do is jogging. A light jog or a medium one can help you loads to get you actively started. It . For beginners it might be a challenge to do jogging and the respective workouts but in sometime with practice there's a possibility to do it all. Just stay focused. and for my people who are awaiting for a challenge - a little cardio is very important to start up for a warm up keep this in mind.Make sure you all can jog at least for half a mile for the first day and can increase it as much as you want but never decrease it or at the same time strain yourself all in just warm up.

After step one your heart rate would've definitely increased , that's a positive sign. if you get tired for just that it means you're doing it right or eating right. for more info on your diet plan i prefer you to read my other blog on diet routines or you can explore for other resources which will in turn help you to do all your activities in a more efficient way.

And then comes


Stretching- Start up with easy stretching exercises and then move on to advanced stretching drills. Or you can review my other post on stretching which will soon be updated. Start with head circles and move down till your feet and ankle. Make sure you stretch out most of your muscles and trust me it will make our workouts much easier as there would not be much strain.


 Then start over with the jumping jacks which is a famous and well known exercise which gets you the most when done right. Do not strain yourself much but do it with counts and maintain the speed, don't go too fast or too slow. Do how much ever you can for 2 minutes and stop once you feel your muscles are pulled enough.


Go with arm circles, Its the best start up for your arms. Your arms get relaxed and energized once you go through the exercise for a few minutes, stretch it as much as you can and make sure you do not stress too much as it might leave you with pain or sprain.


AS soon as you are done with those start up with skipping and for those who are not much into skipping , try simple jumps or try jumping back and forth on a simple small platform. This gives you the strength and flexibility for your legs and then you're all set for you r legs.


Do not start with heavy exercises soon. take your own time. Judge yourself whether you can start up with heavier exercises and then only start up with them. Otherwise try other stretching instruments like stretch balls and other equipment which you can find at the gym.


Do not forget to drink a lot of water and healthy food like raw vegetables,fruits and eggs etc. I'll talk about your diet plans in my upcoming blogs. I assure that you will see a lot of changes if you go through the diet plans which i will talk about. Keep yourself energized and hydrated and stop/control yourself of eating junk food and beverages which would jeopardize all your workouts and warm ups.


RELAX! Don't stress yourself very much. Give yourself a break in between and try doing the exercises in a step by step procedure. Once you have practiced much on your basic warm ups you can then explore my other post on Advanced warm ups which you can do in just 5 minutes.

THANKS for reading this article. ALL THE BEST- SUJEETH VS.

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