Important diet routine
Previously i mentioned a lot of do's and don'ts which will make sure your workouts do not go to waste. It is definitely necessary to follow these fine diet which i am sharing and make it a part of your day to day activity and never skip it. See that you are not getting distracted with all those tasty but unhealthy foods and junks which will completely jeopardize all your efforts which you put on improving your body and health.So i prefer you all to go through this post and try following these intakes which will in turn get you more energetic and active for the rest of the day.
The intake you take directly reflects on your body and health so make sure you eat right and healthy to improve your body and which in turn will even make you look better as it even helps you in shaping your body. The more healthy food you eat, the more better you look. That's the formula for bodybuilding and fitness. I am truly not opposing for tasty food and drinks but i prefer to control them and keep it all only when you party and that being once or twice a month, Enjoy all of it but be in control and know what you are eating,when to eat and how much to eat and drink. If you can control that it'll be very easier for you to get a stronger body soon.
Diet plan
Here's a simple and efficient guide for you to get you much healthier and stronger.
1- Drink a lot of water
Never forget that water is your best friend when it comes to being healthy and maintaining a healthy diet routine as it keeps you hydrated and also keeps you active for all the physical activities and workouts you perform everyday. It even makes your workouts less hard and gives you much energy so that you don't get exhausted very soon, as most of the advanced workouts need a lot of hard work and makes you lose a lot of sweat because of immense energy which is being used to perform them.So drinking a minimum of 10-12 glasses a day or even more is a very important intake.
2- Breakfast
Keep your breakfast heavy, in-fact a lot more than lunch and dinner. But have your breakfast only after a set of warm ups or even jogging in the morning - this will help in increasing your metabolism and even your amount of intake for the breakfast. Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables for your breakfast and even carrots and boiled eggs. Let your breakfast be mostly full of green vegetables (raw) ,eggs and a glass of milk.
3- Lunch
As i mentioned earlier in my previous post that you need to break down your meals into six equally healthy meals. So as soon as you are done with breakfast wait for 2-3 hours and then have another small meal which can be a box of vegetables or fruits with honey or any other healthy snack followed by green tea if possible. Soon after this your lunch has to be followed after 2 hours of the second small meal you previously had.
Your lunch must not be too heavy nor too little. Let it be a medium meal which is mostly concentrating on proteins and carbohydrates including rice or red meat and eggs and small amount of any tasty food so that you don't make your meal too boring.
4- Evening healthy snack
After two-three hours, you are now ready to workout so do your regular workout routine which i taught you and when you are done and tired, go for this healthy evening snack which is comprised of 2 glasses of fresh fruit juice, an apple or any other fruit and a small healthy snack of your choice which should definitely not be junk.
5- Healthy drink
Drink a healthy drink like green tea or lemon juice with honey if you need to lose a bit of your weight or even chicken soup which must be homemade/not artificial after the evening snack which will help you to get a bit hungry for your dinner.
6- Dinner
Let your dinner have the least quantity of food, make sure you don't fill yourself with a heavy dish. Let it have a healthy,very small amount of the dish followed by a banana or papaya.
7- After dinner
After dinner, drink a glass of warm water or milk and sleep soon. Do not stay awake till late night as it will affect your appetite. and once you're up in the morning- Repeat.. You can plan up your own diet by using the help of this guide but don't change the routine plan but just your choice of healthy intake.
This diet plan is excluded for one day in a week so that you don't get suffocated with the choice of food.
Eat well,eat right.
All the best.
Previously i mentioned a lot of do's and don'ts which will make sure your workouts do not go to waste. It is definitely necessary to follow these fine diet which i am sharing and make it a part of your day to day activity and never skip it. See that you are not getting distracted with all those tasty but unhealthy foods and junks which will completely jeopardize all your efforts which you put on improving your body and health.So i prefer you all to go through this post and try following these intakes which will in turn get you more energetic and active for the rest of the day.
The intake you take directly reflects on your body and health so make sure you eat right and healthy to improve your body and which in turn will even make you look better as it even helps you in shaping your body. The more healthy food you eat, the more better you look. That's the formula for bodybuilding and fitness. I am truly not opposing for tasty food and drinks but i prefer to control them and keep it all only when you party and that being once or twice a month, Enjoy all of it but be in control and know what you are eating,when to eat and how much to eat and drink. If you can control that it'll be very easier for you to get a stronger body soon.
Diet plan
Here's a simple and efficient guide for you to get you much healthier and stronger.
1- Drink a lot of water
Never forget that water is your best friend when it comes to being healthy and maintaining a healthy diet routine as it keeps you hydrated and also keeps you active for all the physical activities and workouts you perform everyday. It even makes your workouts less hard and gives you much energy so that you don't get exhausted very soon, as most of the advanced workouts need a lot of hard work and makes you lose a lot of sweat because of immense energy which is being used to perform them.So drinking a minimum of 10-12 glasses a day or even more is a very important intake.
2- Breakfast

3- Lunch
As i mentioned earlier in my previous post that you need to break down your meals into six equally healthy meals. So as soon as you are done with breakfast wait for 2-3 hours and then have another small meal which can be a box of vegetables or fruits with honey or any other healthy snack followed by green tea if possible. Soon after this your lunch has to be followed after 2 hours of the second small meal you previously had.
Your lunch must not be too heavy nor too little. Let it be a medium meal which is mostly concentrating on proteins and carbohydrates including rice or red meat and eggs and small amount of any tasty food so that you don't make your meal too boring.
4- Evening healthy snack
After two-three hours, you are now ready to workout so do your regular workout routine which i taught you and when you are done and tired, go for this healthy evening snack which is comprised of 2 glasses of fresh fruit juice, an apple or any other fruit and a small healthy snack of your choice which should definitely not be junk.
5- Healthy drink

6- Dinner
Let your dinner have the least quantity of food, make sure you don't fill yourself with a heavy dish. Let it have a healthy,very small amount of the dish followed by a banana or papaya.
7- After dinner
After dinner, drink a glass of warm water or milk and sleep soon. Do not stay awake till late night as it will affect your appetite. and once you're up in the morning- Repeat.. You can plan up your own diet by using the help of this guide but don't change the routine plan but just your choice of healthy intake.
This diet plan is excluded for one day in a week so that you don't get suffocated with the choice of food.
Eat well,eat right.
All the best.
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