Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Advanced Crunches


As delicious as it sounds. Coming up for abdominal strengthening and toning crunches and other set of workouts are essential but these upcoming advanced crunches a major impact on your body and gives you the most out of the workout for better abs results. I w

ill share a set of unique but well defined types of crunches which you can add to your regular  workout routine and this will definitely help you to get better abs or also called 'bullet proof abs' It is just a term for very strong abs which can be achieved with great practice of all these standard and advanced workouts .

If you are expecting something challenging for your abs other than doing the regular abs routine this is the right place and it might be challenging at first but it is very effective in not only getting your abs worked out but even shape them perfectly You need to follow these workouts on a regular basis and add them as per your convenience to the abs workout routine. If you are a beginner please do not try these advanced workouts i share without going through the set of warm up and basic workout routines i shared in my previous posts.

Advanced crunches workout 1

Plank crunches

Usually planks and crunches are two different workouts which is performed together in this workout and has a great impact on your abs and the surrounding muscles near the abdomen which would be first stretched and then toned by the crunches performed by the following crunches.

Step 1- Using the forearms get into a full plank position.
Step 2- Get your right knee and get into a position where it looks like you're touching the back of your right arms which is the triceps part and get back similarly.
Step 3- Repeat the same with the other knee in a adjacent fashion.
Step 4- Repeat the workout according to your breath to exchange air continuously and to get the best of the workout.

Advanced crunches workout 2

Hip crunches

This workout uses most of your hips and the muscles around them and even strengthens them including your lower abdomen and abdomen muscles .It just needs regular practice to make sure you get the most from the workout and doing tit safe will see to that there are no injuries caused, so please do take it a little seriously when it comes to working on all these advanced forms of workout i share and try keeping yourself healthy and warmed up whilst performing these exercises.

Step 1- With your legs slightly bent sut on your bottom and start by relaxing yourself just with this position until you feel comfortable to perform the workout.
Step 2- Form a 45 degree angle by bending your legs and lift both of your legs off the surface, 
Step 3- Touch the Right toe with your left hand and alternate to the other side by just moving slowly. 
Step 4- Touch the Left toe with your right hand and alternate to the other side by slowly moving to the position.
Step 5- Perform the workout in a regular routine and repeat till you feel the muscles around your hips including your abdomen muscles. 

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